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United Nations Development Programme
La lucha de los pueblos indĂgenas por el derecho a defender su tierra.
April 19th, 2018
ProtĂ©ger lâaccĂšs des peuples autochtones Ă leurs terres ancestrales permet au monde de mieux resp...
April 18th, 2018
Protecting indigenous peoplesâ access to ancestral territories helps everyone breathe easier
April 16th, 2018
Au Guatemala, la production de miel est un outil de développement pour les communautés locales.
April 10th, 2018
Au Costa Rica,Victor se consacre au surf et Ă la protection de lâenvironnement
October 11th, 2017
Life gave VĂctor a second chance. Heâs devoting it to surfing and environmental protection.
October 6th, 2017
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UNDP works in nearly 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results.